AI Development Assistant

Unlock the power of AI infused software delivery

Leverage AI across the entire software delivery life cycle.
Enterprise-ready, privacy-first solution.

Every step in your DevOps journey

Empower your workflow intelligently with the power of AI.

Streamline code workflow.

Generate Code, Comments, Tests, Terraform Scripts, Pull Request Summaries

Turbocharge your search with natural language processing.

Find relevant code snippets in your repositories with unprecedented precision and efficiency, using advanced Natural Language Processing to understand the context of your code, not just the keywords.

An efficient onboarding experience infused with AI

Get custom, language-specific SDK code examples instantly, enabling a swift, hassle-free integration and an elevated developer experience.

Build & deploy effortlessly.

Unleash precision in your CI/CD Pipelines.

Swiftly pinpoint root causes, correlate errors, and receive clear remediation steps, optimizing your build and deployment processes.

Get assistance with policy writing

Create customized OPA policies efficiently, minimizing manual effort and focusing on strategic solutions.

Secure code with advanced protection.

Vulnerability Remediations

Quickly identify vulnerabilities and implement smart remediation strategies, reinforcing your security infrastructure.


Define and control chaos experiments across all environments with stringent security governance, ensuring resilience and innovation in a secure, efficient manner.

Optimize costs and enhance business insights.

Cloud Asset Governance

Effortlessly create and understand complex cloud asset policies through natural language input, making policy expertise accessible to all.

Dashboard Intelligence

Create diverse visualizations automatically, from simple metrics to complex charts, providing actionable business insights with natural language input.

Harness Support

Transform your development process with AIDA Support, offering real-time, precise assistance for questions about the Harness platform.

Harness AIDA™ Roadmap

Harness Support

AIDA can answer questions, suggest relevant documentation to help you browse and discover Harness features and documentation, and provide content recommendations when you create a support ticket.

Generate OPA Policy

Search code repositories to provide accurate and context-aware results in Harness Code.

Policy As Code Assistant

Generate and integrate Open Policy Agent (OPA) Rego policies to meet your compliance standards.

And more...

Capabilities of AIDA infused across software delivery